Missionary Application
Read all questions carefully. All information will be kept confidential.
Full Name
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Permanent Address
Email Addresss
Name, address and phone number of nearest relative
Marriage & Family
Are you married?
Date of Marriage
Number of Children
List names and dates of birth
Were you ever married before?
If so, is your former spouse still living?
Were you ever divorced?
If so, state date and grounds for the divorce.
Do you have any physical condition which might hinder you from engaging in missionary work?
Are you in debt?
For what amount?
For how long?
Can you adapt to new living conditions easily?
Name of School
Major/Minor - Degrees received
Dates Attended
List any other educational experience
What experience do you have in any special line of work?
What foreign languages have you studied?
How long?
What foreign languages can you speak?
How much Bible training have you had?
What is your current career or business?
List the books that you have read on missionary methods, history of missions, comparative religions, cross-cultural ministry, etc.
Are you willing to take additional education or missionary training that the board decides is necessary for you?
Christian Experience
When were you saved?
When were you filled with the Spirit according to Acts 2:4?
When and under whom have you been licensed or ordained to be a minister of the Gospel?
Where do you attend church?
What ministries are you involved in?
Have you read and do you agree with the Articles of Faith as set forth in the Open Bible Ministers' Manual?
Missionary Vision and Call
When and where did you first sense God's call to be a missionary?
Do you have a burden or call to any certain people group, continent or field? Which group and why?
Does your home church endorse your call?
What groups have promised to help support you?
To what extent?
Give names of your pastor and Regional Executive Director
How long do you intend to be a missionary?
Have you corresponded with missionaries?
Who and Where?
What missionaries (if any) have encouraged you toward missions?
If accepted, when would you be ready to leave?
Could you raise your support before you start?
Are you willing to spend time in language study if necessary?
Because of their responsibility before the Lord, will you recognize the authority of the
Board of Global Missions (including an order to return home if needed)?
Give the names and addresses of six people as references to whom we may write for information. Include pastors, employers, religious associates and intimate friends.
Full Address
Additional comments
Recent photo of you and spouse
Date (xx/xx/xxxx)
No prospective missionaries should presume that they have been accepted as candidates until they have been officially notified by the Board of Global Missions.