Hector and Gladys Villegas

In June 1982 a group of independent churches affiliated with Open Bible Churches. Vince and Lois McCarty were appointed as missionaries to Argentina in 1990. Their primary ministry was to initiate Level Two INSTE there. The McCartys also served as INSTE Directors for South America. They returned to the U.S. in June 1995 and the work was nationalized. In 2001, missionary Ed Daley arrived to assist Ruth Castro de Purat, who was then the INSTE National Director. Due to the economic crisis, many of the INSTE students were unable to continue their studies. Because of this, Ed returned to the States in late 2002. As of January of 2021, Open Bible has 191 churches with 26,990 members, 399 credentialed ministers, 1,173 INSTE students, feeding kitchens to feed the poor, orphanages, and radio and TV broadcasts. Hector Villegas was elected as the new president for Open Bible in Argentina in 2011.