Dr. Jacob and Daisy Vambo
Lucille Jenkins (Mitchell) was appointed as the first Open Bible Standard Churches missionary in 1935. Eventually River Cess was selected as the site on which to build a mission station. The work grew to include ministries in Monrovia and Lower Buchanan as well as many outposts. Over the years, many missionaries served Open Bible in Liberia. Liberia was nationalized in 1979. The churches elected Mark Kangar, a young man reached by the preaching of the gospel in Liberia, as the first superintendent of the work. Mark was appointed National Missionary in May 1981. Lue Ann, his wife, and children left Liberia in 1990 because of the civil war. Mark left Liberia in 1991. As of January of 2021, Open Bible has 32 churches with 2,277 members and 51 credentialed ministers, as well as a medical clinic. The Open Bible Church in Monrovia ministers to 600 people. A day school was started in Monrovia in November 1992 that has now grown into an elementary school. Dr. Jacob Vambo lll is the field director. |